MIT Technology Review
MIT Technology Review
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Technology Review
Technology Review
North Korean hackers steal billions in cryptocurrency. How do they turn it into real cash?

North Korean hackers steal billions in cryptocurrency. How do they turn it into real cash?

For years, North Korea’s Kim dynasty has made money through criminal schemes like drug trafficking and counterfeiting cash. In the last decade, Pyo...

Technology Review
Technology Review

China wants to kill its world-dominant cryptocurrency mining industry

China has said it wants to outlaw cryptocurrency mining, a move that would necessitate a massive reshuffle of the global industry and end China’s d...

Technology Review
Technology Review

North Korea’s military has stolen more than half a billion dollars in cryptocurrency

A panel of experts has told the United Nations Security Council that North Korea stole more than half a billion dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency fr...

Technology Review
Technology Review
Blockchain boosters warn that regulatory uncertainty is harming innovation

Blockchain boosters warn that regulatory uncertainty is harming innovation

Should the US government step in to help blockchain technology? Some think so. An influential advocacy group called the Chamber of Digital Commerce...

Technology Review
Technology Review
Blockchain’s next frontier: Shaping the business model

Blockchain’s next frontier: Shaping the business model

The story of blockchain market adoption closely resembles the path taken by other disruptive technologies: an initial industry explores what is pos...

Technology Review
Technology Review
How the hell are cryptocurrency holders supposed to file their taxes?

How the hell are cryptocurrency holders supposed to file their taxes?

America’s cryptocurrency tax policy is confusing everyone—and it’s high time for the US Internal Revenue Service to sort it out and explain. That’s...

Technology Review
Technology Review

Nearly all Bitcoin trades are fake, apparently

There have been suspicions for a while that the markets are overinflated. In fact, fears of market manipulation have held up regulatory approval fo...

Technology Review
Technology Review
Forget sketchy ICOs: a new kind of crypto-fundraising aims to go legit

Forget sketchy ICOs: a new kind of crypto-fundraising aims to go legit

Crowdfunding, but for promising cancer drugs. Like a Kickstarter campaign, but instead of a memento or special access to the product, you get an ac...

Technology Review
Technology Review
It’s still 2017 for one crypto exchange

It’s still 2017 for one crypto exchange

Much of the blockchain world might be feeling crypto winter’s bite, but one of the world’s most popular exchanges seems to have its own weather sys...

Technology Review
Technology Review
One of crypto’s buzziest stablecoins might be heading for trouble

One of crypto’s buzziest stablecoins might be heading for trouble

Few things are buzzier in the blockchain world right now than Dai. The Ethereum-based crypto-token uses smart contracts to adjust its own supply in...

Technology Review
Technology Review

Why clean energy won’t solve all Bitcoin’s pollution problems

Bitcoin has growing environmental problem, and renewable electricity isn’t the solution. That’s the conclusion of a new research paper published by...

Technology Review
Technology Review
At least 15 central banks are serious about getting into digital currency

At least 15 central banks are serious about getting into digital currency

Digital cash may soon start replacing the physical kind.

Technology Review
Technology Review
Ethereum thinks it can change the world. It’s running out of time to prove it.

Ethereum thinks it can change the world. It’s running out of time to prove it.

The blockchain system has daunting technical problems to fix. But first, its disciples need to figure out how to govern themselves.

Technology Review
Technology Review
Blockchain smart contracts are finally good for something in the real world

Blockchain smart contracts are finally good for something in the real world

A startup says it has tackled a long-standing problem that has kept smart contracts from responding to actual events.

Technology Review
Technology Review
Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin says his creation can’t succeed unless he takes a step back

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin says his creation can’t succeed unless he takes a step back

At Ethereum’s annual developer conference, its founder tells us why his technology can only be truly decentralized if it stops depending on him.

Technology Review
Technology Review
In 2019, blockchains will start to become boring

In 2019, blockchains will start to become boring

After the Great Crypto Bull Run of 2017 and the monumental crash of 2018, blockchain technology won’t make as much noise in 2019. But it will becom...

Technology Review
Technology Review
Cryptocurrencies crashed in 2018. Now they’re right where they should be.

Cryptocurrencies crashed in 2018. Now they’re right where they should be.

A year ago, Bitcoin and its brethren were headed to the moon. These days they’re much more grounded.

Technology Review
Technology Review
Five emerging cyber-threats to worry about in 2019

Five emerging cyber-threats to worry about in 2019

The risks include AI-powered deepfake videos and the hacking of blockchain-powered smart contracts.

Technology Review
Technology Review
A big tech company is working to free the internet from big tech companies

A big tech company is working to free the internet from big tech companies

Cloudflare’s “gateway” system opens the door to the decentralized web

Technology Review
Technology Review
Stablecoins will help cryptocurrencies achieve world domination—if they actually work

Stablecoins will help cryptocurrencies achieve world domination—if they actually work

Price-stable coins could spur the adoption of crypto payment applications, but the technology is largely unproven.